Selling Your Home in 2020? Now Is the Perfect Time to Become a Minimalist

With the holidays behind us, people all over the world are slowly putting away decorations and bringing their house back to normal. However, for anyone wanting to sell their home in 2020, now is a golden opportunity to start practicing minimalism. Keep reading to find out what minimalism is, how you do it, and how it can impact the sale of your home.

What Is Minimalism?

Minimalism is the act of reducing your personal belongings to the point that you only keep what you use and what you truly love. Anything else that doesn’t fall into either of those two categories gets removed from your house. From socks to wall art, minimalism applies to everything you own.

How Do I Decide What Stays and What Goes?

First of all, making that switch from your holiday decorations back to your everyday home decorations is a perfect time to start minimalizing. Before you put your holiday decorations away, check out which decorations didn’t come out this year. Think about whether you’re going to use these decorations next year.

Chances are, if you didn’t put these items out this year, they’re not going to be used next year… or the year after that. Now is the perfect time to set these items aside in a pile so they can easily be removed from your home.

The famous declutterer Marie Kondo suggests you ask yourself, “Does this spark joy?” If it does, you keep it. If it doesn’t, it needs to leave your home.

Then, before you automatically place your usual decorations in their pre-holiday spots, think about how you feel about these items. Anything that doesn’t serve a specific purpose or bring you happiness should be placed in a pile and ultimately leave your house.

Your home decorations are just the beginning of your down-sizing process. Room by room, drawer by drawer, make your way through your abode. As you might guess, anything that doesn’t “spark joy” should be set aside so you can easily remove it from your home later.

So, What Do I Do with My Items That Don’t Spark Joy?

Once you’ve accumulated some items that are no longer useful and no longer bring happiness, it’s time to find them a new home. Some items might be able to be sold on eBay, Craigslist, or Facebook. Although this option takes time, it’s the only one that could put some money back in your pocket.

Another popular option is to donate your goods to a local charity. Make sure to keep a good list of the items you’ve donated and get a receipt from the charity. This way, you’ll be able to write off your donation on your taxes. Although this doesn’t put money in your pocket directly, it could help out come tax time.

Does This Really Have to Happen Right Now?

Although it might be tempting to postpone reducing your personal inventory, it’s important that you start now for two main reasons if you want to sell your home in 2020. First, when you’re trying to sell you home, you will want to declutter and remove unnecessary items. This will help potential buyers be able to envision themselves living in your home.

Second, once you sell your home, you’re going to need to move out. This will mean packing. By removing unnecessary items now, you can save a ton of time and effort in the future whenever you need to pack to move.

Thinking of Selling? We Can Help.

If you’re thinking of selling your St. Joseph home in 2020, the team at Ramseier Realty Group can help. We’re happy to come speak with you and make sure your home is set up perfectly to sell fast! Give us a call today at 816.262.8077 to speak with one of our experienced realtors or contact us through our website to schedule an appointment.


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