5 Easy Ideas to Help You Spend More Quality Time with Your Family

Unfortunately, there’s no real way to make more time in the day. Everyone gets the same 24-hour pie. What distinguishes us is how we choose to spend our time. If you feel like you aren’t getting to spend enough time with your family, here are five things you can do right now to increase your quality time together.

1. Plan activity- and electronic-free time every night.

One of the biggest keys to getting to spend quality time together is creating space in your schedule. We’re all busy--even our kids! However, when you specifically plan a period of time each day where no one has any activities, it allows you all to come together and reconnect.
But, creating space in your schedule is only the first step in this two-part process. The second step is putting away your electronics. This rule applies to everyone--if it has an on button, turn it off and set it aside.
Then, once the electronic devices are safely stored, you’re free to do whatever brings your family joy!


2. Encourage everyone to work together.

As parents, we have this feeling that we have to do for our children. The list of tasks to-do can feel exhausting. But, there’s a secret--you don’t have to do it all yourself.
Honestly, most kids would rather help out and do adult-style work. The key is figuring out what your kids like to do and then empowering them to do that.
Do you have a kid who likes to vacuum? Then, you’re going to have a house with very clean floors, friend.
Do you have a kid who likes to help make dinner? You have a chef-in-training.
Feel free to delegate simple household chores. When it’s time to do the chores, have everyone work at the same time. That way you work like an efficient team and get to chat while you work.
But what about those complex adult tasks like running errands or grocery shopping? Make it a group trip. By taking the whole family, you get to spend time together and introduce your kids to the joys of adulting.


3. Do activities that everyone loves. 

The larger your family, the harder it’s going to be to find an activity that everyone unanimously loves. However, you should be able to find something that works for the group. Ride bikes, go for walks, swim, eat ice cream, read books, watch TV, listen to music--whatever you want to do, do it as a family unit.
If you can’t find activities that everyone likes to do, you can assign each person a night of the week, and that person chooses what the family does. The key to having this work is a mutual agreement that the person choosing will not choose something specifically because they know another family member doesn’t like it, and the other family members will participate with a good attitude and no complaining.


4. Go outside.

No matter where you live, there are a ton of activities outside during the summer months. Swim, walk, ride bikes, hike, play ball, run through the sprinkler, or simply sit and read a book.
It doesn’t really matter what you do. Spending time outside, boosts your personal happiness and makes you feel calmer and more focussed. Even if you and your family are just sitting outside talking, you can all reap the benefits of spending time outdoors.


5. Just say, “No.”

One of the main tricks to getting to spend quality time together as a family is ensuring that all your family members are at home at the same time. This can mean saying no to activities and friends.
Whether you are limiting the activities of you or your children, don’t feel guilty about your choices. Your family is important, and it’s only appropriate that you should value them as a top priority.
By turning down invitations to activities that would fill your calendar, you create more time to spend with your family and reduce the stress that’s caused by a stuffed schedule.


Spending the Most Time with Your Family

Remember, in order to spend the most time with your family, there are five simple ideas:
  1. Plan activity- and electronic-free time every night.
  2. Encourage everyone to work together.
  3. Do activities that everyone loves.
  4. Go outside.
  5. Just say, “No.”

You know what also brings a family together? Shopping for a new home.
At Ramseier Realty Group, we are happy to meet with the whole family and learn what you all are looking for in a new home. Then, we can show you homes that offer all the top features you want. Give us a call today at 816.262.8077 to speak with one of our experienced realtors or contact us through our website.


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